Honda Unveils Groundbreaking CR-V e:FCEV: A New Era in Plug-In Electric SUVs

Honda has revolutionized the automotive industry once again with the highly anticipated debut of the CR-V e:FCEV production model. This groundbreaking SUV, the first of its kind from a Japanese automaker, combines the power of a hydrogen fuel cell with the convenience of a “plug-in” charging function.

One of the standout features of the CR-V e:FCEV is its impressive range. Honda predicts that drivers will enjoy over 600 km of autonomy on a full tank of hydrogen, making long-distance travel a breeze. In addition, the short refueling time of approximately 3 minutes truly sets this SUV apart, ensuring minimal downtime between adventures.

The fuel cell system powering the CR-V e:FCEV is the result of a collaboration between Honda and General Motors (GM), manufactured by their joint-venture company, Fuel Cell System Manufacturing, in Michigan, USA. This partnership showcases a commitment to innovation and sustainable mobility.

After its release in Japan, Honda plans to bring the CR-V e:FCEV to North America before the end of 2024. This move demonstrates Honda’s dedication to expanding the availability of eco-friendly vehicles across the globe.

It’s important to highlight that Honda has set ambitious goals for themselves. They aim to achieve carbon neutrality for all their products and business activities by 2050. This commitment to sustainability extends throughout the entire lifecycle of their products, ensuring “zero environmental impact” from production to eventual disposal.

With the CR-V e:FCEV leading the way, Honda is spearheading a new era in plug-in electric SUVs. This innovative vehicle combines advanced technology, impressive range, and environmental consciousness to deliver a driving experience that is both sustainable and exhilarating. Prepare to revolutionize the way you travel with the CR-V e:FCEV.

FAQ Section:

1. What is the CR-V e:FCEV?
The CR-V e:FCEV is a revolutionary SUV manufactured by Honda. It combines the power of a hydrogen fuel cell with a “plug-in” charging function, making it the first of its kind from a Japanese automaker.

2. What is the range of the CR-V e:FCEV?
Honda predicts that drivers will enjoy over 600 km of autonomy on a full tank of hydrogen, allowing for long-distance travel without the need for frequent refueling.

3. How long does it take to refuel the CR-V e:FCEV?
The refueling time for the CR-V e:FCEV is approximately 3 minutes, ensuring minimal downtime between adventures.

4. Who collaborated in the development of the CR-V e:FCEV’s fuel cell system?
The fuel cell system powering the CR-V e:FCEV is the result of a collaboration between Honda and General Motors (GM). It is manufactured by their joint-venture company, Fuel Cell System Manufacturing, in Michigan, USA.

5. When will the CR-V e:FCEV be available in North America?
Honda plans to bring the CR-V e:FCEV to North America before the end of 2024, after its release in Japan.

6. What are Honda’s goals for sustainability?
Honda aims to achieve carbon neutrality for all their products and business activities by 2050. They are committed to ensuring “zero environmental impact” throughout the entire lifecycle of their products, from production to disposal.


1. Hydrogen fuel cell: A device that generates electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, with water being the only byproduct. It is a clean and sustainable alternative to traditional combustion engines.

2. Autonomy: The distance a vehicle can travel on a full tank of fuel before requiring refueling.

3. Carbon neutrality: A state where an entity’s carbon emissions are balanced by removing an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or by offsetting the emissions through renewable energy sources or other means.

Suggested Related Links:

1. Honda Official Website
2. General Motors Official Website