Lhyfe Partners with Hyliko to Bring Hydrogen Fuel to Zero-Emission Trucks

Lhyfe, a leading provider of sustainable energy solutions, has recently announced its partnership with Hyliko, a prominent player in the transportation industry. The collaboration aims to bring hydrogen fuel to the Hyliko refuelling station in Villabé, France, enabling it to fuel a fleet of zero-emission trucks. The facility, set to open next September, will serve as a pivotal point for Hyliko’s retrofitted trucks, which have been operational for Point P and Toyota.

By integrating Lhyfe’s cutting-edge hydrogen fuel technology, the refuelling station is expected to offer a refuelling time of approximately 20 minutes. Moreover, the station will have an impressive compression capacity of 350 bar, which will eventually be upgraded to 700 bar. This infrastructure development will facilitate an efficient and seamless refuelling experience for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in the region.

The partnership between Lhyfe and Hyliko highlights the growing demand and commitment towards sustainable transportation solutions. With the rise of environmental concerns, businesses in the logistics sector are actively seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Adopting zero-emission vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel represents a significant step towards achieving this goal.

The integration of hydrogen fuel and the expansion of the refuelling station in Villabé will not only provide cleaner transportation options but also contribute to the overall decarbonization efforts. Hydrogen fuel cells produce zero greenhouse gas emissions when used in vehicles, making them a sustainable alternative to traditional combustion engines. Additionally, the partnership between Lhyfe and Hyliko demonstrates the increasing viability and potential of hydrogen as a long-term solution for the transportation sector.

As the demand for zero-emission vehicles continues to grow, the collaboration between Lhyfe and Hyliko serves as a progressive step towards greener and more sustainable transport. By embracing alternative energy sources such as hydrogen fuel, the industry can contribute significantly to reducing carbon emissions and creating a greener future for all.


1. What is the partnership between Lhyfe and Hyliko about?
– Lhyfe has partnered with Hyliko to bring hydrogen fuel to the Hyliko refuelling station in Villabé, France, in order to fuel a fleet of zero-emission trucks.

2. When is the refuelling station expected to open?
– The refuelling station is set to open in September.

3. What is the refuelling time expected to be at the station?
– The refuelling time is expected to be approximately 20 minutes.

4. What is the compression capacity of the refuelling station?
– The refuelling station will have a compression capacity of 350 bar, which will eventually be upgraded to 700 bar.

5. What type of vehicles will benefit from the refuelling station?
– The refuelling station will facilitate refuelling for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in the region.

6. Why is the partnership between Lhyfe and Hyliko significant?
– The partnership highlights the growing demand and commitment towards sustainable transportation solutions and represents a step towards reducing carbon emissions in the logistics sector.

7. What are the advantages of using hydrogen fuel cells in vehicles?
– Hydrogen fuel cells produce zero greenhouse gas emissions when used in vehicles, making them a sustainable alternative to traditional combustion engines.

8. How does the partnership contribute to decarbonization efforts?
– By integrating hydrogen fuel and expanding the refuelling station, the partnership contributes to cleaner transportation options and overall decarbonization efforts.

– Hydrogen fuel: Fuel that produces zero greenhouse gas emissions when used in vehicles.
– Refuelling station: A facility where vehicles can be refuelled with hydrogen fuel.

Suggested Related Links:
1. Lhyfe – Official website of Lhyfe, the leading provider of sustainable energy solutions.
2. Hyliko – Official website of Hyliko, a prominent player in the transportation industry.